The young leaders of tomorrow have a lot on their plate. A world where change is the only constant, and the global stage is now the only stage. At Rangi Ruru we look towards the future, a future that our current and future students will become adults in. Focusing on this future and the impact our girls can make on it, means when they leave their final year at Rangi they feel empowered and equipped to continue making a difference. We have a strong focus on sustainability, enabling learning through digital education, and developing globally aware and focused young leaders.
Sustainability at Rangi Ruru is driven by our students, for change in the world they and their children will grow up in.
Te Ara
Our Te Ara programme is designed to inspire, challenge and empower our students to apply their learning as global citizens.
By incorporating technology into all subject areas, students learn how to participate, create and thrive in this fast-moving digital world with confidence.
Kendal’s Story
Kendal is a tech entrepreneur and the co-founder and CEO of Banqer, a financial literacy platform for school children in Australasia. She is a former New Zealander of the Year and attended Rangi Ruru from 2002 to 2008.
Be the Change.
Watch the video below to hear why being the change matters to the Rangi Ruru community.