Our uniform is important in setting the tone for the school, giving us pride in belonging and communicating our community expectations. At Rangi Ruru we expect all our students to wear the correct uniform in an appropriate manner whenever they are at school or representing our school.

Our Uniform Shop is located onsite at 41 Hewitts Road (see school map here). Please contact our Shop Manager if you have any queries.
Shop Hours (term time only)
Tuesday: 12.45pm – 2pm
Thursday: 12.45pm – 2pm
Friday: 1pm – 4pm
Uniform Shop hours during term breaks and price list can be found here.
Wearing the Rangi Ruru Uniform
- Blazers must be worn for formal occasions and on the street, except in very warm weather when shirt sleeves are permitted (summer uniform only)
- Year 13 students wear gold braid on their blazers (they are responsible for ensuring this is on for the beginning of the year)
- School-approved scarf is optional. It is not to be worn in class or in Assembly and no other scarf may be worn
- Polyprops etc worn under the school blouse must not be visible
- Hair is to be worn in a practical style. Longer hair is to be neatly tied back with plain white, navy or gold coloured hair tie
- Fringes should not obscure vision, and hair should not fall over the face. Hair styles and colouring should be appropriate for school
- Make-up is not to be worn with school uniform. Fingernails should be short and neatly cut. Clear or natural nail varnish may be worn
- The only jewellery permitted is a single small, plain gold, silver or pearl stud or small gold or silver sleeper in each ear lobe. Watches are also permitted. No facial piercings are allowed. Māori students may wear visible pounamu taonga as a mark of respect to their cultural identity.