Rangi Ruru’s picturesque campus centres around the historic homestead, Te Koraha, and is surrounded by beautiful gardens and green spaces. Our school has been designed around the needs of tomorrow’s women leaders, focused on a personalised approach to best-practice teaching and learning.
“At Rangi, our girls have been challenged to be bold, learnt that success comes from hard work, and have developed into humble but confident young women with a community conscience.”
Developing the Whole Girl
Our teaching and learning programmes are designed to extend girls’ thinking and help them make the most of the opportunities offered to them.
Boarding at Rangi Ruru
We provide a safe, comfortable and caring environment where students can focus on learning, discover new opportunities, and have fun at the same time.
“It is essential that we deliver our curriculum in the way that girls learn best which is through collaboration, discussion, and providing them with a wide range of opportunities especially in innovation.”
A Campus Like No Other
Coming From Overseas?
Rangi Ruru Girls’ School welcome small numbers of International Students from a number of different countries. We enjoy having them as part of our school family, with the opportunity for students and staff to learn more about their cultures and beliefs.
We believe sustainable schools are a great place to learn, where students develop their learning with a strong sense of global citizenship.
We host a number of events throughout the year for our community including alumnae, current families and those interested in joining Rangi Ruru.