RangiX is learning at the intersection of innovation, technology and entrepreneurship to develop graduates equipped with future-focussed skill sets, tool sets and mindsets to thrive in a diverse and dynamic world.
Combining learning across essential technologies, innovation and entrepreneurship, RangiX connects students to leading theory and teaching as well as real-world opportunities and commercial partnerships.
RangiX is our commitment to providing opportunities for students to develop knowledge, skills and experience through initiatives that not only build digital capabilities but allow students to grow as innovative and entrepreneurial humans with the capacity to sense, seize and transform opportunities.
Students access RangiX learning through pre-existing classroom subjects, as well as standalone classes as part of the Te Ara curriculum, co-curricular options and online learning modules.
RangiX gives students access to, and development in, technological skills such as artificial intelligence, cyber security and robotics.
Innovation creates change: RangiX helps develop students into competent innovators who feel empowered to create meaningful impact and are more resilient when confronted with uncertainty.
Entrepreneurship is about more than just starting an entrepreneurial venture, it’s about people with a strong sense of empathy who want to bring about positive change.