A group of dedicated and enthusiastic parents together with representatives of the Board and staff make up the Rangi Ruru Parent Teacher Association (PTA). The PTA is an active committee who meet monthly, normally on the second Tuesday of the month during the school term.
The PTA’s focus is to build connectivity between parents and the school. We aim to provide a strong sense of school community through social events, parent education, supporting school initiatives and providing financial support to those in need. Some of the activities the PTA are involved with include:
- Year level social functions for parents
- New entrants’ BBQ
- Parent education evenings
- Gifting of travel fund grants
- Gifting of school wish list grants
- Tea and coffee refreshment serving at school functions
- Second hand uniform sales
If you would like to become involved with the school, the PTA would welcome your interest, input and support throughout the year. You may like to assist by:
- Becoming a PTA Committee member
- Joining the list of PTA Volunteers (assisting with tea pouring at school functions)
- Assisting with the second hand uniform sales, on a rostered basis
Rangi Ruru PTA Committee – 2023-24
PTA Members
Claire Sparks (President)
Maria Jimenez Garcia (Treasurer)
Annie Vogt (Secretary)
Amanda Vale
Angie Partridge
Jason Gilberd
Lisa Giesen
Lynne Heywood
Carolyn Johnson
Kate Brown
Jill Grothusen
Jo Thomas-Hiddleston
Yvette Cundy
Jenny Zou
Nicola Bennett
Saskia Clements
Rachel Neppelenbroek
Julie Ball
Lucy Sutherland
Rachel Cross
School Representatives
Janette Frier, School Rep
Debbie Robertson, Staff Rep
Rogier Eradus, Board Rep