Are you ready to begin your Rangi journey?

Personalised Education

Rangi Ruru is a place where every student is known, and every student belongs. We believe our ākonga should never try to be anything other than true to themselves and encourage each individual to be themselves across all aspects of their life. As a school this means recognising and embracing every student’s needs and requirements, through a truly personalised learning experience tailored specifically for the ways girls learn, whilst maintaining small class sizes allowing teachers more time with each student.

Development for each student is facilitated through Personal Development Plans, our specialist Learning Centre and High Performance Learning Programme.

The Way Girls Learn

Learning environments are tailored for our future female leaders and contributors, with no barriers to participation and success.

Small Class Sizes

Specialist teachers have time to understand the learning needs of each girl.

Be You. Belong.

Watch ‘Like a Second Home’. From farm girls to city sisters, meet Rangi Ruru boarders Hannah and Laura Doig, and their parents Brian and Steph.