Leaving a gift in your will is a powerful and lasting way to support the people you love and the causes you have cared deeply about in your lifetime
By making a charitable gift to Rangi Ruru in your will, you are giving to the advancement of the school, making a genuine difference in maintaining its position as one of New Zealand’s leading girls’ schools and ensuring Rangi Ruru exists as an educational choice for generations to come. A gift in your will acknowledges the importance Rangi Ruru has played in your life and is a way to support the school after you have gone or give in a way you have always wanted to but been unable to in your lifetime.
How to leave a gift to Rangi Ruru in your will
A bequest can be much larger than any cash gift you can make to the school in your lifetime and the difference it can make to the lives of future Rangi Ruru students can be far greater. You can leave a gift in your will to the Rangi Ruru Foundation–any amount can have a big impact over time. A bequest may include the residual of an estate, a percentage of an estate, a specific sum of money or a particular asset like stocks, real estate, insurance policies and works of art.
If you are considering leaving a gift in your will to Rangi Ruru but would like more information to understand how your gift can make a difference you can contact the Head of Development for a confidential and an obligation free conversation.
All bequests to the school are managed by the Rangi Ruru Foundation, a charitable trust registered with the New Zealand Charities Commission (Rangi Ruru Foundation’s unique Charities Commission identification is CC23423). The income or capital is then directed to the school in accordance with the benefactor’s wishes.
If you would like to leave a gift in your will to Rangi Ruru, speak with your financial advisor (a financial planner, lawyer, or accountant) and ask for help in establishing your charitable gift.
Whether or not you decide to advise Rangi Ruru of your final intentions is up to you. The school understands that it is a private matter and you have the right to remain anonymous. However, it is helpful for the school to have this information as it helps plan for the future and it allows the school to thank you in your lifetime through membership to the Gibson Circle.
Legacy Society – the Gibson Circle
Rangi Ruru recognises that many people have already thought of and are intending on leaving a gift to the school. We celebrate this generosity through a special group known as the Gibson Circle. Membership is extended to you when you inform the school of your intentions. Through your membership, you join a special group of like-minded Rangi Ruru champions who come together to share their mutual support and love for the school and celebrate school milestones when they occur. Invitations to important school events are also extended to Gibson Circle members.
Being a part of the Gibson Circle is easy, simply let us know that you have already named the Rangi Ruru Foundation in your will. We would love you to be a part of this very special group of people.
For more information please contact our Development and Sponsorship Executive Kirsty Rueppell on [email protected] or phone 03 983 3700