Are you ready to begin your Rangi journey?

Joining Rangi Ruru at Year 7 provides students the best in intermediate school level education, whilst ensuring a seamless journey into their secondary school years. As a true Years 7 to 13 school, we offer specialist teachers for each subject from Year 7, and access to programmes and resources such as Personal Development Plans, the care and development network and extra-curricular offerings usually only accessible at high-school level. Mathematics classes are banded from Year 7, and students are required to take four different languages over Years 7 and 8. Once students reach Year 8, they take part in the William Pike Challenge Award programme (WPCA) promoting resilience and adventure. The WPCA clearly connects with the Rangi Ruru values of Aroha and Endeavour, the focus of our Years 7 and 8 wellbeing programmes.

Our Years 7 & 8 classes are all limited to 22 students, and are single cell based learning environments.

We strongly believe this smaller, more personalised approach to learning offers our students the best opportunity to best prepare for Year 9 and beyond.

Joining Rangi Ruru at Year 7 ensures your daughter can transition automatically into Year 9, provided standards that are met at their Year 7 entrance to Rangi Ruru are continued throughout their Year 7 and 8 years.

Enrolment in Year 7 is only available to a maximum of 44 students per year, and demand for places is high. If you would like to consider Rangi Ruru for your daughter at Year 7 we strongly encourage you to enrol or contact our enrolments team prior to your daughter starting her Year 5 year.

Hear from a Rangi Ruru parent

Michael Flatman speaks to attendees at Open Day, about his family’s experience sending two daughters to Rangi Ruru.


Our Values

Rangi Ruru is part of the Presbyterian network of schools and also welcomes a diversity of beliefs. Our values of Respect, Aroha, Enthusiasm and Endeavour, Generosity of Spirit and Integrity, are based on Christian values and underpin everything we do.

Respect – Whakaute
ENthusiasm & Endeavour – Nanaiore/Kipakipa
Generosity of Spirit – Manaakitanga
Integrity – Mana