We honor and celebrate the generosity of spirit of those in our giving community.
It is these special people who embody this school value that make it possible for Rangi Ruru to continue delivering an outstanding educational experience and ensure the school is sustained for the benefit of future generations. Read on to meet some of our Rangi Givers and their personal inspiration for giving to the school.

Claire Mackintosh
Class of 1955, Former Board member, Foundation member, staff
Claire Mackintosh began at Rangi Ruru as a Form one One (Year 7) student back in 1955 and returned as Head of Science in 1969. Claire’s incredible work with Rangi Ruru continued as a board member in 1984 and then as chair for the Centennial Celebrations in 1989 and later as the first Director of Development.
“I give because I see so many leaders coming out of Rangi Ruru,” she says. “I see a real empathy, collegiality and collaboration in women leaders especially which is what adds to our strength as a gender.”

Jude Connochie
Donor, staff
Jude Connochie, is a name and a face many of you will know and love. This wonderful lady has been a member of the Rangi Ruru community for a while now. Jude originally joined the staff as the first Database Administrator in 1991 before moving to Blenheim. She returned as Boarding House Administrator in 2003 before taking on the role of Director of Boarding in 2006, running a tight ship and giving everything for our boarders up until 2015. Jude still works at Rangi Ruru but is now one of our database gurus. Her love of the school is great and her generosity towards the school even greater. As a regular giver to Rangi Ruru, Jude recently shared the reason behind her giving:
“I have given to many projects over my time at Rangi but one that I am proud to be able to support is Project Blue Sky, particularly Stage 2, Sports. I give to honour the wonderful Hilary Orr, Director of Sport (1982-2006), who taught me in Year 9, or Third Form as it was in those days. I also give because after working here for so long, I see the benefit every day of what an education at Rangi Ruru can mean.”

Barb Smith
Donor, staff
Barb Smith received an Honours Award for Service to the School Community/Administration and Support at the Independent Schools New Zealand in 2018. Barb has been a valued and passionate member of the Rangi community for 25 years. She says:
“I feel very humbled by being able to work in such a great environment, with wonderful staff and students. Rangi is my second family. I give to Project Blue Sky, because it’s my way of giving back, to help this wonderful school move forward.”

Charlotte Gray
Old Girl, Current Parent and Board member
“When I was a student at Rangi Ruru, I had little idea of the support that past students and families of students had provided to make it the incredible school that it was. I was probably too busy enjoying the friendships and making good use of all the opportunities that Rangi Ruru presented.
I give to Rangi now because I feel privileged to have had the amazing start I was given. In my day it was a place of endeavour with a strong sense of humour thrown in and I’m glad to say the outlook hasn’t changed. I believe that giving to girls’ education is so important and I’m proud to continue the tradition of supporting Rangi Ruru for the next generation.”

Rex Ward
Former staff member
“After 28 years, Rangi Ruru is home to me. I love my job and the people here, it’s why I give to the school. Rangi is a special place.”