Are you ready to begin your Rangi journey?

The Gibson Circle is a special group of people who intend to leave a gift in their will to the Rangi Ruru Foundation for the betterment of the School.

Launching in March 2016, the group is hosted regularly by the School for special presentations, luncheons and to hear from interesting speakers. If you’d like to talk more about the Gibson Circle, please contact our Head of Development.

“I believe we owe it to the Gibson sisters to ensure that their legacy continues so leaving a bequest to Rangi Ruru didn’t require a lot of thought – it means I can contribute to ensuring that the Rangi experience is available to more girls.”

– Jane Sherriff – Alumnae 1981-85, Board of Governors 2007-16, Honorary Board member 2016-present, Rangi Ruru Foundation 2009-2020

“My family values the role that Rangi Ruru played in our lives and we hope that by leaving a bequest we are helping many future young women, regardless of circumstance, to have the opportunity of a Rangi education”

– Kate Burtt – Alumna 1963-67, Board of Governors 1997-2009, Board Chair 1999-2003, Rangi Ruru Foundation 1995-20